TBA December Events & Registrations • Santa Dash, Santa Parade, Whānau Day & Advent Adventure

It's the festive season, and every year, the TBA supports the Santa Parade, which starts with the Santa Dash and ends with Whānau Day. This year, we're also running an Advent Adventure. Below you'll find everything you need to attend the events or to register as a participant. Advent Adventure • December 1 - 25 Christmas is just around the corner, and to bring some festive cheer to the Thames [...]

Win Shopping Vouchers with the TBA Advent Adventure Initiative

Christmas is just around the corner, and to bring some festive cheer to the Thames community, the Thames Business Association is running an Advent Adventure. Shoppers are invited to visit the business/es of the day, take a photo of the window display, and either share on their social media, tagging the business and TBA - make sure your post audience is set to Public so we can see it! You [...]

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